
Derek Picone

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What I Did

  • The first thing that I did was to open my photoshop document from the last assignment.
  • I exported the sky, water, sun, and sun glow as individual images with alpha backgrounds.
  • I then utilized my old cloud brush to create a large and a small cloud on seperate layers since my original ones are not whole.
  • I also created new sun rays to fit the new cloud and exported the three new items as seperate images.

  • I then created a blank flash document the same size as my photoshop image.
  • I created two layers and utilized the "import to stage" option to place the sky on one layer and the ocean on another.
  • I then duplicated the ocean layer and moved the new layer down a few pixels.

  • After that I created a new layer to use as a mask on the second ocean layer.
  • I started by drawing a black 10 pixel line and used Modify >> Shape >> Convert line to Fill.
  • I then converted the line to a movie symbol.
  • Now that the line is able to be a mask I duplicated it several times in equal intervals.

  • I then selected all the lines and double clicked on them to enter the animation timeline of the lines.
  • I created a frame at frame 1 and 48.
  • At frame 48 I moved all the lines down one interval so that they line up with the location of the one below it.
  • I then used a motion tween between the two points to create smooth downward motion.

  • I then went back to the main time line and right clicked the new mask layer and chose mask.
  • That utilizes the second shifted ocean layer and only shows the parts that are under the black lines creating a wave appearance when the animation is played.

  • I then began working on the sky by created new individual layers for the sun, sun glow, rays, large cloud, and small cloud.
  • I then imported each of the images that I had previously exported from Phtotoshop to their corresponding layers.

  • Then I began animating the sky elements.
  • I converted the small cloud, large cloud, and sun glow into individual movie symbols.
  • I then double clicked the small cloud to enter it's individual timeline.
  • I created a second frame at frame 650 and created a motion tween between the frames.
  • I then moved the cloud in frame 650 so that it was off the right side of the screen. This created a 650 frame animation across the screen.
  • I then repeated this animation process with the large cloud except using 1,440 frames instead of 650 so that the larger cloud moves slower.

  • After that I animated the sun glow.
  • I changed the opacity to 0 so that it would not be visible.
  • I then entered the sun glows individual animation layer and created the same number of frames as the large cloud, 1,440 with a motion tween in in between the first and last.
  • I then looked at the large clouds animation to identify the frame range in which the sun is behind the cloud.
  • I used that information to create keyframes at the beginning and end of that interval that ease the opacity to 100%.
  • This creates a glow behind the cloud while it is in front of the sun that disappears while it is not.

  • I then created a new layer for masking directly above the rays layer.
  • I created a black box about the size of the large cloud and converted it to a movie symbol.
  • I then double click the box to enter it's individual timeline.
  • I created a frame at 1,440 with a motion tween between it and frame 1.
  • That will ensure that the animation repeats on sync with the large cloud.
  • I once again looked at the large clouds animation to see when the cloud covers the sun causing the rays to show.
  • I used that information to create a combination of motion and skew animation on the box to have it properly reveal and hide the rays.

  • After that I went back to the main timeline and right clicked on the new ray mask layer and set it as a mask. That causes the rays to only show while the box is over them.
  • Finally I checked over all the layers to ensure that they are in the correct order and made slight tweaks to the individual animation timings to get them all looking correct.